Communication Design Minor
A minor in communication design offers students foundational skills in visual communication, design techniques, and real-world opportunities for creative problem-solving. This minor is ideal for those looking to enhance their major with design expertise, opening doors to career opportunities in the broad field of communication design. Enrolling in this minor can provide students with the skills needed to create compelling visual content, an invaluable skill in today’s visual world. Courses may include:
- Stephens Life, our student-run magazine
- Creative Ink, our student-run creative agency
- Packaging Design
- Illustration
- Publication Design
- Editorial Photography
- Website Design
- Screen Printing
- Typography
- …and more!
The minor in communication design requires the completion of:
- COMD 110 Design Technology
+ 4 other COMD courses, at least 2 of which must be at the 300+ level
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School of Integrative Studies
Jennifer Blair,
Administrative Assistant
Administrative Assistant
(573)-876-2312 ext. 4312
[email protected]