Student Complaint Form
Who can complete this form?
An individual who is currently enrolled full-time or part-time as an undergraduate or graduate at Stephens College, or was enrolled at the College within the previous academic year when the underlying facts and circumstances of the complaint first occurred.
Parents, relatives, employers, agents and other persons acting for or on behalf of a Student are not Students within the meaning of this Policy and may not utilize this reporting procedure.
Please read the entire Student Complaint Reporting Policy before filling out this form, and note that the form is NOT to be used for ADA (Americans With Disabilities Act) grievances, Title IX reporting (sex- and gender-based discrimination and harassment), diversity, equity and inclusion concerns (or any other form of discrimination complaints). For any of the above, please submit an Equal Opportunity, Harassment and Nondiscrimination Incident Report.
For grade appeals, see Academic Appeals: Grade Appeals in your Curriculum Catalog.
Please attempt an informal resolution before proceeding further.
Whom should I contact to seek an informal resolution?
Academic (e.g., in-seat and online courses, programs, faculty members)
First seek to resolve the matter with the faculty member if your concern involves a Stephens instructor. Then, if unresolved, please contact your Dean. If still unresolved, take the issue to the Vice President for Academic Affairs: [email protected], (573) 876-7213, Ext. 4213.
If your concern is regarding a program, please contact your Dean. If still unresolved, take the issue to the Vice President for Academic Affairs: [email protected], (573) 876-7213, Ext. 4213.
Please note: there is a formal process in place for a grade appeal. See Academic Appeals: Grade Appeals in the course catalog to follow the correct protocol.
Accounting/Financial Aid (e.g., billing, student IDs, scholarships, work study)
Please first contact Accounting (206 Lela Raney Wood Hall) for billing and payment issues: [email protected], (573) 876-7105, Ext. 4105.
Contact Financial Aid (216 Lela Raney Wood Hall) for issues related to your financial aid/scholarships or work study: [email protected], (573) 876-7106, Ext. 4106.
Advising/Registration (e.g., degree planning, course schedule, registration)
Please first contact your adviser for concerns regarding your degree planning or course scheduling.
Contact the Registrar’s Office (248 Lela Raney Wood Hall) for registration issues: [email protected], (573) 876-7277, Ext. 4472.
Campus Dining (excludes meal plans)
Please first contact the Director of Dining Services: [email protected], (573) 876-7162, Ext. 4162.
Career and Professional Development (e.g., internships)
Please first contact the Center for Career and Professional Development (306 Lela Raney Wood Hall): [email protected], (573) 876-7101, Ext. 4101.
Please first contact the Director of Counseling: [email protected], (573) 876-7157, Ext. 4157.
Facilities/Grounds Maintenance (including building maintenance in residence halls)
Please first contact Facilities (106 Willis Ave.): [email protected], (573) 876-7171, Ext. 4171.
Information + Technology Services (e.g., internet connectivity, printing, copying)
Please first contact I+TS (8 Helis Communication Center) by submitting a HelpDesk ticket, e-mailing [email protected], or calling (573) 876-2381, Ext. 4381.
Security (e.g., campus safety, crime, parking)
Please first contact Security (Tower Hall): [email protected], (573) 876-7299.
Student Development
Including athletics, health services, inappropriate student behavior, programming/campus events and residential living concerns (e.g., pets, roommates, meal plans)
Please first contact Student Development (Stamper Commons): [email protected], (573) 876-7212, Ext. 4212, and specify the nature of your complaint.
Other (issues not listed above)
Email [email protected].
Student Complaint Form Instructions
This form is to be used ONLY BY STUDENTS to submit a formal complaint when they have been unable to satisfactorily resolve an issue with the faculty, staff, students or others involved.
Select the appropriate area based on the nature of your complaint.
Complete all fields so your complaint may be directed to the proper College officials.
Complete the electronic signature checkbox.
Print the form for your records (you will also receive a copy of your responses via email).
Submit the form.
Note: Complaints cannot be submitted anonymously.